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Mindset isn't just some intangible notion that can make us feel better at times; mindset is, all things considered, everything. 

Beyond that, it's completed underrated. 

Our current culture is one of efficiency, demanding results fast and directing our attention spans away from the long-haul efforts that are really best for us.

Accordingly, we expect quick results when it comes to workout regimes or supplementation practices, not really paying much attention to the small, everyday things we do that snowball themselves into substantial results further down the road.

And those small things, more often than not, are grounded in mindset. 

The intentions we have before setting out for a run; the motivations we surf atop when fatigue starts to set in; the determination we cultivate when we approach our breaking points and the self-reflections we let percolate after all's said and done. 

Mindset affects everything, and its for this reason that we should pay a lot more attention to the intangible faculties operating throughout our engagement with physical goals or sportive outputs. 

What's the point of taking any supplement if we lack motivation or interest? What's the use of investing time, resources, and effort into something if we're not fully showing up to give 110% every time? 

Mindset and perspective is the reason that Scandinavian's have the lowest rates of seasonal depression despite having an outrageously long winter; it's the reason optimists can't be stopped and why athletes are able to take their games to an elite level - they work on the intangibles, daily and incessantly. 

It's with this in mind that Endorf seeks to bring forward a supplement that curates the self-awareness needed to achieve an unstoppable mindset; one that power-charges our cognitive faculties and nurtures an expansion of perspective that will bring elevate our game to a whole new level.



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